What is the Malling Society?

The Malling Society is a registered Charity No. 254202 and aims to:
• Preserve the rural character of West Malling and its environs
• Preserve local buildings and places of historic interest or artistic distinction
• Protect the surrounding countryside
• Eliminate and prevent bad design and neglect
• Encourage high standards of architecture and planning
• Stimulate public interest in the good appearance and community of West Malling.

Please download our Membership Form here

We constantly monitor and respond to planning applications and other significant events affecting the Malling area. We have meetings monthly to listen to a range of interesting speakers and we arrange occasional visits and outings to local places of interest.

MallingSocietyWe store and protect a range of documents, photographs and similar materials of local interest and welcome further gifts and donations.


We are custodians of the Freda Barton Photographic Collection.


Our Committee


Chair: David Thornewell

Admin Secretary: Carole D’silva

Vice Chair: TBC

Outings: Richard Bowles

Twitch Representative: Eileen Vago

Speaker Co-ordinators: Eileen Vago and Gywneth Barkham

Researcher: Ron Martin

Webmaster and Tech Support: Kris Mercer

All contactable at themallingsociety@gmail.com

And now on Facebook