Information we collect

We collect information to identify your eligibility for membership of The Malling Society. This personal data is held securely on computer and is your completed membership application form by our Membership Secretary. Personal data is only retained for as long as you are a member of The Malling Society.

How we use and share your information

We may use your personal data to provide you with information about The Malling Society activities, outings, and other events. We may also share your personal data with other Malling Society committee members when necessary for your participation in the Society’s activities. We will never share your personal data with any third parties.

Access to and correction of your information

You are entitled to view any personal data we hold about you and to correct any inaccuracies in that data. Requests to do so must be made to the Membership Secretary, preferably in writing, and will be fulfilled within one month.

Deletion of your information

You are entitled to request the deletion of any of your personal data. Requests to do so must be made in writing to the Membership Secretary and will be fulfilled within one month. However, as we only collect personal information which is necessary to support you as a member of The Malling Society, we may be unable to continue your membership without the retention of your personal data. If you wish to continue your membership despite the deletion of your personal data, the Malling Society Exceutive committee will review your request on an individual basis and will make the final decision as whether membership can continue.

25th May 2018